I had initially searched Etsy to buy some customized rubber stamps because there are several sellers who offer them there, but I found many of them to cost a bit more than I really wanted to spend on my small business budget. At RubberStamps.net, you can order many different sizes and styles. You can also upload your own black and white image to be made into a stamp. I was able to get four small customized rubber stamps in their art mounted style for less than $25 with shipping. And, they arrived in just five days!
As soon as I got the stamps yesterday, I had to try them out. (I know - I'm like a little kid with a Christmas present!) You can see an example of my logo sheep stamp and my basic company info stamp in the photo. That is a bright blue ink on some of my own handmade paper. The sheep stamp (1 inch X 1 inch) was from my original black and white artwork while the company info stamp (1.5 inch X 0.5 inch) was designed using their provided text options. I am very happy with the quality of the stamps for the price and can see myself ordering more in the future if necessary, or even if not necessary because it is so darn neat to have your own customized stamps!
I started thinking about all the uses for a customizable stamps now that mine have arrived. Here's some ideas for you (and me):
- hang tags
- clothing labels
- return mailing label
- customized "Thank You" notes
- handmade business cards
- package branding
- artwork decoration
I'd love to know your suggestions of how to make good use of a customizable stamp so please leave a comment with your suggestions.
I bought a gadget that lets me make my own stamps not too long ago; I just haven't had time to even open the box and play with it yet. Thanks for the incentive!